
Hi! I'm Diego.

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The Power of Sharing: Leveraging Your Expertise for Impact

TLDR: Even the simplest skills can inspire others. In a world driven by knowledge, your expertise holds immense worth. Embrace the opportunity to share and grow, because your legacy is worth preserving. You can listen to this week's letter on Carrot Cashflow here. Remember that people are incredibly impressed by some things you do, even if you're not impressed by them. I once heard an interview with the founder of Evernote, and he was talking about how his goal was to do some number of...

3 days ago • 2 min read

Last week's Seeding Thoughts was the most popular email I have ever sent. It generated the most responses and the most heartfelt responses. I got so many back it's been hard to respond to them all. If you missed it, you can read it here or listen to it here. It was great to see that response because it let me know that I wasn't alone, and hopefully, many of you now know you aren't either. Finding our place in life as a person, a parent, and a business owner can be incredibly challenging. They...

8 days ago • 2 min read

This may be a rant. Maybe you can resonate with this. Perhaps I'm not alone. Sometimes, it all feels like too much. Life feels incredibly hard. Don't worry, I'm not going there... But it can be so exhausting. Being a dad, a husband, and a business owner is overwhelming. Someone always needs (or wants something). There's always something to do. And your brain is always in the next thing - no matter how hard you try to switch it off. I am the guardian at the gate. Living on the fringes,...

17 days ago • 2 min read

This week, it's Part Two of the harsh reality series. Do any of these resonate more than others? 6. You must get comfortable being uncomfortable. Tough decisions are the price of admission. Finances can be up and down, and employees come and go. If you ever feel settled in, expect something to hit the fan tomorrow. 7. 100% of the pressure is on you. You will receive the majority of the credit if you succeed and the majority of the blame if you fail. Big and small decisions will fall at your...

23 days ago • 1 min read

Entrepreneurs are different, and this lifestyle is hard. The guy next door with a job doesn't get it. Your sister had no idea what a life like yours is really like. They will never understand this lifestyle because they don't live it. The solopreneur journey can often feel like a solitary one. I compiled this list of realities to give myself a reality check. A reminder not to forget and a reminder that I choose this journey. Maybe I'm crazy. 😆 I'd love to hear your thoughts on this list. Do...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

There's never a wrong time to make the right decision. The right decision is always the right decision. You know it's the right decision in your gut. Not making the right decision because you're scared of what comes after is not an excuse for not making the right decision. But it can be challenging to do what you should do. Listen to the audio version of this week's letter on the podcast - Carrot Cashflow. Making the right decision can be: scary unknown admitting you were previously wrong...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

You can have an insanely profitable business and go broke if you can't manage cash flow. A big part of running a business is managing cash flow—balancing cash that comes in with cash that has to go out.The balancing act can be tricky if your business is seasonal, with revenue coming in bunches at different times throughout the year. Many of you, as farmers, are likely in this position. Common farm examples would be CSA farms taking in the majority of their farm revenue in several weeks of the...

2 months ago • 4 min read

You have 100 things to do for your business, but some days, you should do none of them. Getting more done isn't always the key to getting MORE done. Sometimes, business has to wait for life. In the corporate world, this wouldn't fly. The business must do what it needs to when it's the best time. And the best time is determined by the business, not your life. This always-moving forward approach works in a big organization with teams and many decision-makers because the other team members can...

2 months ago • 2 min read

Solve Problems for Customers, Don't Create New Ones As entrepreneurs are all in the problem-solving business. The faster you realize it, the better your business will be. Recently, we needed to use a very high-priced software package for our online store. The promise of what it could do was great. Setting it up, not so much so. Then, the support problem happened. Usually, the support is commensurate to the price of the product. Not in this case. This was thanks for the money; figure it out on...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Pause and Reflect The older I've gotten, the more I've defaulted to the pause and reflection approach regarding problems. When I was younger, my default response was to dive in and solve it. The danger is that solving the problem isn't always the appropriate response. With the wisdom of age, I've realized that getting it right is more important than getting it done. Not all problems necessitate a speedy solution. Therefore, sometimes, the best way to solve a complex problem is to take a lot...

4 months ago • 1 min read
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