
Hi! I'm Diego.

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A clock hanging from the side of a building
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The Time Trap: Are You Losing Precious Moments Without Realizing It?

TLDR & Audio Version Listen to this email. TLDR: Time passes quickly, especially when raising children We can't reclaim past time, but we can shape our present to honor past and future Proactive planning is crucial to ensure quality time with loved ones Introduce concept of "Sacred Time" - non-negotiable time slots for important relationships/activities Schedule Sacred Time like any other crucial appointment Build your calendar around these important moments Remember why you became an...

An alarm clock sitting on top of a table

TLDR and AUDIO VERSION Listen to this email. TLDR: Going to bed on time is crucial for productivity and success Proper sleep creates a positive domino effect for the next day Early morning hours are highly productive and distraction-free Late nights trigger negative consequences like oversleeping and decreased focus Science supports the link between good sleep and improved cognitive function Consistent bedtime may be more important than consistent wake time Tips for better sleep: establish a...

a close up of a bottle of pills on a table

Listen to this email. The ADHD email from a few weeks ago received an inordinate number of responses, so I felt the need to follow up—both for myself and for you. I did a lot of reading, which I summarized and broke down. The first part is a TLDR version. The second part is an expanded version of the key points of how ADHD presents itself, including some of your thoughts and experiences. Finally, I wrap it up with ways to help improve focus, whether you have ADHD or not. If you don't care...

cassette tapes on brown wooden surface

Listen to this email. I grew up glued to the radio. From about 93 to 2003, I would tune into The Nerve 95.1, 95.5 in Rochester, New York, every morning to listen to the Howard Stern Show. I would record and re-listen to those shows every day. I was a huge fan, and I wanted to be on the radio one day. I thought it would be so much fun. I never really took the steps to make it happen (probably not believing it would be possible), but look at me today. Due to the magic of the internet, I am in...

person holding brown 3-blade fidget spinner

Listen to this email. Previously, I talked about chasing shiny objects. Let’s assume you chase one and dive right in. It will eventually happen, so how do you prepare before getting stuck in business quicksand? Picture this: You're the Denver Broncos, and you've just shelled out a king's ransom for Russell Wilson. Oops. Suddenly, you're stuck with a quarterback about as mobile as a statue and a contract harder to escape than Alcatraz (Jack Nicholson). Eventually, you can get out of it, but at...

turned on Focus signage

In case you didn't know, I write several short posts like this each week on Instagram - check them out @diegofooter. Do entrepreneurs have an ADHD problem? Yes, maybe, and the science backs it up. Studies have found a positive connection between clinical ADHD, entrepreneurial intentions, and entrepreneurial action. It is estimated that 4-5% of adults have ADHD, while 29% of entrepreneurs have ADHD. People with ADHD are 500% more likely to be entrepreneurs. Why is this? Risk-taking,...

In case you didn't know, I write several short posts like this each week on Instagram - check them out @diegofooter. Let's talk about the elephant in the room: knowing when to pull the plug on your business. Yeah, it's about as fun as a root canal, but sometimes, closing shop isn't failing; it's making a smart, tough decision. When might you want to call it quits? These reasons are very personal and tie closely to your context. I can make a case in any of these situations for going in either...

man covering face with both hands while sitting on bench

In case you didn't know, I write several short posts like this each week on Instagram - check them out @diegofooter. Ten years ago, I was working at a financial firm and noticed something weird. Every time the market was down, everyone's mood tanked. I hated that, and it became one of the reasons I left to start my own business. Fast forward to now, and guess what? I've caught myself in the same trap. When my business is slow, my mood drops. It's a perfect correlation. Life's cruel irony,...

In case you didn't know, I write several short posts like this each week on Instagram - check them out @diegofooter. Someone asked me what advice I would give someone starting a farm business. Below is what I came up with. I broke it down into steps - order matters. This is not the plan for getting farming tomorrow; it's more like the plan for getting farming next year. The goal of these steps is to build experience, save money, and gain confidence while figuring out if you really want to do...

In case you didn't know, I write several short posts like this each week on Instagram - check them out @diegofooter. IMPACT-BASED TIME ALLOCATION In the past, I had trouble getting everything done. Part of the problem I realized was that I was over-allocating time to tasks that didn’t pay*. I don’t know why I missed this. I had talked to enough farmers to know this should be the case, but somehow, I missed the disconnect in my life. *Pay is how I am currently prescribing value for...